Sunday, May 18, 2008


Parishes closing in Worcester

Bishop McManus announced yesterday that 4 parishes will be closing in the city of Worcester and that their congregations will be joining other nearby parishes. This is just the first step in a reconfiguration which will next move to the surrounding towns in the diocese with a re-evaluation of the parishes in the city itself to occur in 5 years. Bishop McManus cited low Mass attendance (only 32% of the cities Catholics contribute to the weekly offerings) and lack of religious education and sacramental life for the main reasons for the closings. While many of us in the diocese have recognized for some time that this day would come, it is still a sad time now that it is finally here. Please pray for those whose parishes are affected and for continued wisdom and prudence by those making decisions on reconfiguration.


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  • The Faithful Departed
  • Cover Her Face
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  • Gaudy Night
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