Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Watch out for Juror No. 0677

My sister pointed out this post about the Scooter Libby trial by David Corn of The Nation. Corn writes:

And then there's Juror No. 0677. She is a television producer. She claimed she had paid attention to the case in a "circumfery" manner, and she has booked some of the journalists involved in the case. She was questioned about her ties to these reporters and whether she could evaluate their testimony without favor. She said yes. As for Cheney, she said, "I don't have any objective feelings about whether he would be more or less credible in this case."

She also mentioned that she was once an intern at the National Journalism Center and then an intern at The Washington Times, the conservative newspaper owned by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. There were no queries from the judge and lawyers about these connections. Yet might she be a conservative harboring pro-administration inclinations? Though the National Journalism Center has a bland name, it is a rightwing outfit that trains young conservative journalists and finds them jobs. Not all of its graduates are ideologically minded. But the group was launched in part by the American Conservative Union. It has received funding from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and the John M. Olin Foundation, leading conservative foundations. (The John M. Olin Foundation funded itself out of business in 2005.) Several years ago, the National Journalism Center was taken over by another conservative group, the Young Americas Foundation.

Jurors ought not be blackballed for their political views. But if a National Journalism Center graduate makes it on to the jury, the Libby legal team would have reason to be pleased. Fitzgerald might want to ask her a few more questions.

Juror no. 0677 just happens to be an old friend from high school. She's actually the producer of a program for the U.S International Broadcasting Bureau's Voice of America. The VOA broadcasts news and other programs in 44 languages to countries around the world. I find it very amusing that Corn is so worried about her. A conservative harboring pro-administration inclinations - sounds dangerous doesn't it?

The Documents in the Case:
How do you know she's a friend from high school? Weird.
Because it's actually MY friend from high school and I gave Whimsey the article. I know important people :)
Whoops! Spelled your name wrong Wimsey - sorry about that!
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