Friday, September 15, 2006


Who is man for woman and who is woman for man?

A friend sent me this notice about a talk to be given in Boston. I've heard the presenter, Fr. Tom Loya several times and I gladly recommend him. You can hear some of his radio programs here.

When: Thursday, October 5th from 7pm to 9pm

St. Clement’s Eucharistic Shrine - Upper Room
1105 Boylston Street Boston, MA

This talk is a penetrating exploration into the archetypes & “hardwiring” of maleness & femaleness. Pope John Paul II said that “humanity, its dignity and its balance at every moment and every place on the globe will depend upon who man will be for woman and who woman will be for man.” In order to fully understand this statement, we must first understand who man and woman really are. In this presentation Fr. Thomas Loya demonstrates how God created men and women with different and complimentary physical and intellectual abilities. He shows how these differences indicated the particular ways that God intends for men and women to image the love of the Trinity. This entertaining and insightful talk will help men and women, single or married, to live as God intended us to live in the beginning.

About the Presenter: Fr. Thomas J Loya, STB, MA is currently the pastor of Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Parish in Homer Glen, IL. He is also the host of “Light of the East” radio program and speaks about Theology of the Body each week as a regular guest on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Program. As a seminarian studying in Rome, Fr. Loya was first exposed to Pope John Paul II’s monumental teaching on the human person when he attended his weekly audiences about The Theology of the Body. Fr. Loya was ordained in 1982 and later added to his Bachelor of Fine Arts by earning a Masters in Counseling and Human Services in 1993. Using his background in art, counseling, and Eastern Catholic spirituality, Fr. Loya brings the principles of The Theology of the Body deep into the lived experience of every aspect of human sexuality.

A Free Will Donation will be collected at the door and the proceeds will go toward Oblates of the Virgin Mary Seminarian Scholarship fund.
Reserve your seat by e-mailing: StClementJPIItalk(at)hotmail(dot)com.

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What I'm Reading
  • Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam
  • The Cost of Choice
  • What I've Finished
  • The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde
  • The Faithful Departed
  • Cover Her Face
  • Joy in the Morning
  • Gaudy Night
  • Behind the Screen: Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film, and Culture