Monday, August 14, 2006


Prof. Rice Fired from AMSoL

Fumare is reporting that Dr. Charles Rice has been fired as visiting professor at Ave Maria School of Law, because of a May 5, 2006 letter he wrote to Tom Monaghan and Dean Bernard Dobranski after the submission of no convidence votes to the Board of Govenors by the Alumni board and the faculty, and a petition by the student body. In the letter, Rice argued against the current actions of the Board which are creating division and unrest in the school community and presented, as a solution to the upheaval, the creation of 2 schools. It is interesting that the letter was not sent to the Board of Govenors. Rice includes this interesting line:

I am confident that the Board will agree with whatever Tom decides.

This line seems to back up assertions made at Fumare that the Board is merely "helping Tom spend his money."

Prof. Rice, a founding member of the Board of Governors, was removed from the Board last fall after a change in the rules was voted to create limit terms for BOG members.

It is hard to imagine what the Dean hopes to accomplish by firing Charles Rice. He is extremely well respected for his legal expertise and his defense of the Catholic faith. As such, he was a huge draw to the school. It doesn't say good things about the school if it does not want a professor of Rice's caliber and reputation connected to it.


The Documents in the Case:
You can say that again.
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