Monday, May 15, 2006


Row, Row, Row Your Boat

What does the sun look like again? Up here in Massachusetts, we've had gray, foggy, cold, rainy weather for a week. We've been promised sun on Wednesday, followed by...more rain. I'm sure glad I'm getting my new car tomorrow with intermittent wipers!

There's not much this weather is good for, but my 5 year-old nephew found something. Yesterday, I took him to Friendly's for lunch. (My sister was out of town for the weekend, so I got to play the doting aunt.) As we left the restaurant, he said, "Let's go home, snuggle up, and watch a movie!"

The perfect thing!

The Documents in the Case:
Your "new" car?
What a smart kid! I love snuggling up and watching movies.
Ok, so it's not new, new. It's 2 years old. And because of the snafu with my phone yesterday, the dealership couldn't get in touch with me and the paperwork got backed up a little. So, now I'm getting the car tomorrow. Again.
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What I'm Reading
  • Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam
  • The Cost of Choice
  • What I've Finished
  • The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde
  • The Faithful Departed
  • Cover Her Face
  • Joy in the Morning
  • Gaudy Night
  • Behind the Screen: Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film, and Culture